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MCS 2022

Keynotes| MCS 2022





As a Research Professor at Qatar University’s Center of Advanced Materials and member of the Organizing Committee of the Materials Chemistry Summit 2022 (MCS 2022), I would like to welcome all delegates to Montreal in beautiful Canada. Materials Science is an overarching field of topics from inorganic to organic and biomaterials, and from the development of new materials to the determination of structure-property relationships in a variety of materials ranging from newly developed materials to blends, composites, and nano-structured materials.

MCS 2022 gives the opportunity to researchers from academia and industry to interact and share their knowledge and expertise to the benefit of all who are working in this field. As Organizing Committee of MCS 2022, we wish you a very fruitful conference, and we trust that all of you will go away with new ideas and partners for future collaboration.



Prof. Dr. Adriaan S. Luyt
Qatar University, Qatar






As a Research Professor at Qatar University’s Center of Advanced Materials and member of the Organizing Committee of the Materials Chemistry Summit 2019 (MCS 2019), I would like to welcome all delegates to Montreal in beautiful Canada. Materials Science is an overarching field of topics from inorganic to organic and biomaterials, and from the development of new materials to the determination of structure-property relationships in a variety of materials ranging from newly developed materials to blends, composites, and nano-structured materials.

MCS 2019 gives the opportunity to researchers from academia and industry to interact and share their knowledge and expertise to the benefit of all who are working in this field. As Organizing Committee of MCS 2019, we wish you a very fruitful conference, and we trust that all of you will go away with new ideas and partners for future collaboration.



Prof. Dr. Adriaan S. Luyt
Qatar University, Qatar


Call For Conference| MCS 2022

After the immese success of Materials Chemistry conference in Vancouver, Canada, the organizinig commiteee is proud to set the wheels in motion for Materials Chemistry Summit 2022 in Montreal, Canada. The MCS 2022 conference would serve as a special platform for the scientific and business community across the globe where they can share ideas and innovations taking place in Materials Science realm.

This meeting covers a wide range of topics from the recent advancements in materials research and technology, Biomaterials, Functional materials, emerging and smart materials, nanomaterials and nanotechnology, graphene, polymer technology, and materials engineering.

Along with the academic professors and materials scientists, the MCS 2022 platform also provides a great opportunity for business organizations to exhibit their products and services and showcase their potentials.

For students, it's a great turn to present their research works and gain global recognition among renowned professors, directors, and deans from great universities across the world. For sure it will open wide doors for your future career prospects.

Target Audience for MCS 2022

Eminent Scientists/ Research Professors in the field of Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering& Chemical research departments, Junior/Senior research fellows, Students, Directors of materials research companies, students, doctorates, researchers, and laboratories.

Details of MCS 2022 Conference in Canada

Conference Name



MCS 2022
Vancouver, Canada
March 21-21, 2022


Call For Papers | MCS 2022

If you don't find the track of your choice listed below then you can also suggest/include your own track in the abstract.


Market Analysis

Importance and Scope

Materials science is evolving every day. With increasing urbanization and new generation demands for smart technology, better health security, wellness is impacting the market greatly; there is intense pressure on resources such as transportation, housing, energy, and civil infrastructure and most especially the chemicals and materials industry to support developments across these sectors. Millions of chemical and material combinations create challenges for scientists when applying them to real-world applications that consumers touch every day.

The composites and polymers segment dominated the global lightweight materials market accounting for a market share of 30.4%, in 2015.  Nanomaterials Market is expected to reach USD 55,016 million by 2022 from USD 14,741.6 million in 2015, supported by a CAGR of 20.7%. Research plays a unique role in this industry, driven by production costs (and ultimately the cost of the material to the market) perhaps more than any other industry examined.



To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date March 21-22, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by