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L.P.H. (Philip) de Goey

L.P.H. (Philip) de Goey

Chair and Dean
Mechanical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology


Philip de Goey studied Theoretical Physics at the Katholic University of Nijmegen. In 1988 he received his PhD at the Department of Physics of the TU/e on the thesis: 'Collision Phenomena in a Quantum Gas'. Between 1988 and 1995 he was Assistant Professor (UD) and from 1995-2000 he was Associate Professor (UHD) on combustion science in the Section Energy Technology at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the TU/e. Since 2000 he is Full Professor in Combustion Technology and since 2002 scientific director of the Combustion Technology Group. He is dean of the Department of Mechanical Engineering since may 2011. From 1999-2000 he was Visiting Professor at the Institut fur Technische Mechanik (Prof. Norbert Peters) at the RWTH-Aachen, Germany. He was chairman of the Dutch Section of the Combustion Institute (1996-2000), chairman of the platform 'Clean and Efficient Combustion' of the Dutch Technology Foundation STW-SZV (2001-2005) and program leader of the STW perspectief program Clean Combustion Concepts (2008-date). In 2010 he was awarded to be ‘Simon Stevin Meester’, this is the highest Dutch award in the area of technical sciences.

Research Interest

D14220 - Engines, Energy converters, Combustion