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Thi-Thanh-Tam Nguyen

Thi-Thanh-Tam Nguyen

University Paris-Est Creteil Val De Marne, France



Thi-Thanh-Tam Nguyen has received her Ph.D. in Organic Synthesis and Material-Polymer Chemistry in 2009 at the University of Strasbourg with Dr. Philippe Mesini. After two years working as postdoctoral fellow at Max-Planck Institute for Polymer research (MPIP, Mainz, Germany) in the group of Prof. K. Mullen about the design and the synthesis of photoresponsive polyphenylene dendrimers, she joined Dr. A. Wagner to work in the synthesis of bioactive molecules at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Strasbourg and then worked as temporary assistant professor at the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS de Lyon) with Dr. Cyrille Monnereau. In 2015, she was appointed as the lecturer in the University Paris-Est Creteil and currently works in the group of Dr. D. Grande. Her main research interest is about the synthesis and the characterization of polyelectrolyte/thermosetting polymer-based materials with controlled morphology and functionality for miscellaneous applications  



Abstract : Versatile approach to polyelectrolyte multilayer films with enhanced stability using functionalized polyelectrolytes